Archive for April 2012

New Free Champion Rotation (Season Two: Week 23)

Greetings Summoners!

This week’s 10 free champions have been rotated.

Here are this week's free champions: Week 23 (this week):

Take a Gander at Me Latest Catch: Sales on Skins and Champions

Avast summoners! ‘Tis I, Spooky Gangplank, with a fresh boatload ‘o skins and champeens fer ye! After risin' from me watery grave, I've plied the briny deep in search of new plunder and sent many a scurvy dog ta Davy Jones's locker. I've picked up more than a few treasures to offset me losses and I'm willin' ta share me catch with you landlubbers at a discount.

Take a gander at these skins and champions me hearties, and tell me if they be what yer lookin' for…

  1. Trundle's stink could drop a gull at fifty paces, but there's no truer friend in a scrap. Even his drool comes in handy when swabbin' the decks. Pick him up fer just 487 RP. 
  2. Cho'Gath looks tough but he's really not so… all right, I wake up screamin' in me coffin at the very thought of him. Take him off me hands fer only 292 RP. 
  3. Kassadin comes with his own air supply… very handy fer scrapin' barnacles off the hull, and a bargain at 487 RP.

  1. Imperial Lux is in the mix as well. Oh aye, Gangplank has seen the future… and it wears a red beret. Grab it fer 487 RP 
  2. Lord Mordekaiser isn't much on the open waves – that axe'll send him straight to the bottom – but on the fields, I'd think twice before temptin' his wrath. 
  3. 487 RP and I'm cuttin' me own throat with that price. Northern Front Swain seems snug as a crow's nest on a clear day in his winter furs. The frozen wastes are too cold fer the likes of me – ectoplasm freezes somthin' awful – so I'll never be able ta ask him where he got that hat. Grab him fer 487 RP.

These be fair deals and true, though they cannot last long: from May 1 to May 4 only. Then I'm shippin' out and I'm takin' them all with me. Act now, me hearties… ole Spooky Gangplank won't steer ye wrong!

Next Patch: The Full Release of Spectator Mode!


We are pleased to announce that we’re closing the books on our Spectator Mode beta and moving into our full release. In the coming patch, we’re rolling out some exciting new features that will bring your experience spectating games to the next level. In the full release of Spectator Mode you’ll be able to jump to specific points in the action with Timeshift controls, allow the computer to control your perspective through Directed Camera, and spectate your friends’ games that are already in progress. You can even watch top players by selecting from a number of Featured Games pre-selected for you on the landing page.

For a full rundown of the new features available in the full release of Spectator Mode, take a look at the video below.