Archive for September 2011

New Skins Now Available!

Another week has come and gone here in Valoran, and with it, we have another two fantastic skins for two of your favorite League of Legends champions.

If you’ve ever taken a marine biology course, you’re sure to have figured out that the strangest creatures in nature dwell somewhere near the ocean floor. And if you’re looking to bring a bit of that undersea appeal with you onto the Fields of Justice, you’re definitely going to want to pick up your very own Deep Sea Kog’Maw. Just don’t be surprised if you catch that Angler Jax fellow eyeing you funny. He does that.

Now, the bottom of the ocean is dark, but if you’re looking for something truly sinister, you’ll be pleased to find Overlord Malzahar rounding out the lineup. If you’re of the belief that all shadowy, gravity defiant figures should come prepared for a fight, you’ll be pleased to know that the Prophet of the Void is looking a bit more armored up and battle-ready. And so is his voidling!

Click on the Skins tab in the Store to purchase and unlock these new skins!

Skin Sale: 50% Off Udyr, Katarina, and Nasus

From Tuesday, September 20th, through Friday, September 23rd, the Black Belt Udyr, Bilgewater Katarina, and Dreadknight Nasus skins will be available for 50% off.
  • Black Belt Udyr skin (regularly 520 RP) will be only 260 RP!
  • Bilgewater Katarina skin (regularly 975 RP) will be only 487 RP!
  • Dreadknight Nasus (regularly 975 RP) will be only 487 RP!

After Friday, September 23rd, these fantastic skins will return to their regular prices. Click on the Skins tab in the Store to purchase these discounted skins.

League of Legends: Dominion Limited Beta is Coming!


We are closing in on the release of League of Legends: Dominion. Soon you will be able to join your friends and allies in fast-paced, action-packed battles for supremacy on the Crystal Scar.

And so, in preparation for the launch of the new game mode, we are planning to enter a limited beta test period for League of Legends: Dominion. During this time, Dominion will be available for play by all summoners only during limited testing windows at off-peak hours. We will keep you informed of these testing sessions as they occur, and our goal is to increase the availability of Dominion leading up to its full launch.

The purpose of this testing period is to ensure Dominion rolls out smoothly, so that hundreds of thousands of players can enjoy it at the same time – not a small feat!

Our aim is to make Dominion fully available as soon as we have satisfied all of goals for release through this beta testing period. Stay tuned for further information on these testing windows.

Champion Spotlight: Corki, The Daring Bombardier

Welcome to the Corki Champion Spotlight, summoners!

Champion Spotlight: Riven, the Exile

Welcome to the Riven Champion Spotlight, summoners! Riven is a highly mobile fighter with tons of finesse. Mastery of her playstyle will certainly pay dividends as you utilize everything she does. If you want a leg up on the learning curve or just want to see her in action, check out her Champion Spotlight here!

New Skins and Riven Bundles in the Upcoming Patch

A steely new champion has wandered into the League of Legends, shattered blade in hand. And along with her typical vagabond outfit, Riven has brought along a few suits of armor from the various stages of her career.

Riven Bundles
Riven, the Exile, swoops into the League of Legends. Graceful and deadly, this former soldier of Noxus now claims no allegiance and lets no one stand in the way of her quest for redemption. As a deft swordsman, Riven punishes her enemies with deadly combos, darting from opponent to opponent and unleashing devastating attacks. For her ultimate, Riven re-forges her gigantic rune sword to its former glory, granting passive combat bonuses and allowing her to unleash a devastating shockwave attack!
If you’re into that edgy, sinister look, you can also pick up a blast from Riven’s past by catching her in her old Noxian uniform when you purchase Crimson Elite Riven. On the other hand, if you’d prefer to think that everyone deserves a second chance, you should be sure to pick up the ornately armored Redeemed Riven.

Redeemed Riven Bundle
If you’re a bit of an idealist or just have a flair for that righteous defender look, you’ll be pleased to know that you can save 50% on Redeemed Riven when you purchase the skin and champion together in the Redeemed Riven Bundle.
- Riven Champion + Redeemed Riven (Normally 1950 RP) will be only 1462 RP

Riven Double Bundle
On the other hand, if you’re a bit conflicted on the topic of lifestyle changes, you can snag both Crimson Elite Riven and Redeemed Riven for 50% off when you purchase them together with the champion in the Riven Double Bundle.
- Riven Champion + Crimson Elite Riven + Redeemed Riven (Normally 2925 RP) will be only 1950 RP
Remember that these great champion bundles are only available until the end of the weekend following the patch, so don’t miss your chance to pick up these awesome skins at their reduced prices!

Champion Sale: 50% Off Garen, Galio, Lux

FroFriday, September 16th, through Monday, September 19th, champions Garen, Galio and Lux will be available for 50% off.

Garen champion (regularly 585 RP) will be only 292 RP!
Galio champion (regularly 975 RP) will be only 487 RP!
Lux champion (regularly 975 RP) will be only 487 RP!

After Monday, September 19th, these fantastic champions will return to their regular prices. Click on the Champions tab in the store to purchase these discounted champions.

Skin Sale: 50% Off Karthus, Malzahar, Brand

From Friday, September 16th, through Monday, September 19th, the Phantom Karthus, Vizier Malzahar, and Apocalyptic Brand skins will be available for 50% off.

Phantom Karthus skin (regularly 460 RP) will be only 230 RP!
Vizier Malzahar skin (regularly 520 RP) will be only 260 RP!
Apocalyptic Brand skin (regularly 975 RP) will be only 487 RP!

After Monday, September 19th, these fantastic skins will return to their regular prices. Click on the Skins tab in the Store to purchase these discounted skins.

Riven Patch Notes

New Skins in the Store
  • Redeemed Riven
  • Crimson Elite Riven Store
  • You can now search for runes based on rune attributes, descriptions, and effects
  • Search no longer looks through unnecessary data when bringing up results
  • Redesigned the store navigation (now featured on the left side)
  • Redesigned the Runes and Skins tab
  • Added a standalone “unlock” button to store items v1.43
  • Ticker messaging has been improved to now more accurately relay the state of the platform
  • Improved the startup times for
  • Feature items and sale items now show the percentage discount for sales
  • Sale and featured items are now properly labeled
League of Legends v1.0.0.125
Riven, the Exile
  • Broken Wings: Riven steps forward and lashes out in a series of powerful sword slashes. This ability can be activated up to 3 times in a short period.
    • 1st Use/2nd Use: Deals damage to a small area in front of her
    • 3rd Use: Jumps into the air and slams downward, causing a larger impact nova that deals damage and knocks nearby enemies back.
  • Ki Burst: Riven damages and stuns nearby enemies.
  • Valor: Riven dashes forward and gains a shield for a short duration.
  • Blade of the Exile (Ultimate): Riven's sword reforms, giving her a percentage multiplier on her total attack damage, extended range on her damaging abilities and basic attacks and the ability to use Wind Slash once.
    • Wind Slash: While Blade of the Exile is active, Riven can reactivate the ability to emit a large shockwave that deals damage to all units hit based on their missing life.
  • Runic Blade (Passive): Riven's abilities charge her blade, causing her to do bonus damage on her next autoattack. Riven can store up to 3 charges, but only expends one at a time.
  • Fixed a bug where Frost Shot was not draining Mana properly
  • Conflagration range reduced to 625 from 675
  • Pillar of Flame damage reduced to 75/120/165/210/255 from 80/125/170/215/260
  • Fixed a bug where Ace in the Hole would fail to reset cooldown if Karthus or Kog'Maw died during its windup
  • Adjusted the animation speed of his run while he has stacks of Feast
  • Essence Flux will now break spell shields
  • Decisive Strike attack damage ratio decreased to 1.4 from 1.5
  • Judgment
    • Damage per second reduced to 50/90/130/170/210 from 60/100/140/180/220
    • Bonus attack damage ratio increased to 1.4 from 1.2
Jarvan IV
  • Added a targeting ring to Cataclysm
  • Fixed a bug where Cataclysm was dealing less damage than intended at rank 2 and 3
  • Fixed an issue where certain skins had inconsistent model sizes
  • Fixed a bug where using a summoner spell would sometimes consume Karma's mantra charge
  • Void Stone magic damage reduction increased to 15% from 10%
  • Null Sphere missile speed increased to 1400 from 1150
  • Nether Blade base damage increased to 30/45/60/75/90 from 20/30/40/50/60
  • Recommended items updated to include Ionian Boots of Lucidity and Trinity Force
  • Fixed a bug where the armor value in the tooltip was not rounding
  • Iron Man
    • Shield regeneration adjusted to 30% at all levels from 25/27.5/30%
    • Shield regeneration is now half effective versus minions
  • Mace of Spades bonus damage reduced to 65% from 75%
  • Siphon of destruction no longer adds additional shield for each unit hit
  • Pounce cooldown reduced to 3.5 seconds from 4 seconds
  • Aspect of the Cougar armor and magic resistance increased to 10/20/30 from 10/15/20
  • Unspeakable Horror leash range reduced to 525 from 550
  • Basic attack range increased to 125 from 100
  • Consume range increased to 125 from 100
  • Base armor increased to 20 from 17
  • Reckless Swing Mana cost reduced to 0 from 50 (Health cost remains)
  • Basic attack range reduced to 500 from 550
  • Command: Attack
    • Cast range reduced to 800 from 900
    • Mana cost increased to 50/55/60/65/70 from 40/45/50/55/60
  • Heroic Charge
    • Fixed a bug where movement commands before the initial collision could prevent the second part of the spell from occurring
    • Fixed a bug where Poppy would not attack the correct target after using Heroic Charge
  • Damage per level increased to 3.5 from 2.75
  • Rammus can now immediately switch between Defensive Ball Curl and Powerball
  • Defensive Ball Curl
    • Magic damage return adjusted to 20/30/40/50/60 from 22/26/32/38/46
    • Cast time removed
    • Now correctly displays the armor amount in the tooltip when defensive ball curl is active
  • Jack-in-the-Box
    • Boxes are now immune to damage while stealthed if the source cannot see them
    • Jack in the Box trigger radius reduced to 325 from 400 to mitigate cases where it fears targets and they run out of range, rendering the Box unable to attack
    • Fixed a bug where Jack in the Boxes could be seen by stealthed enemies
    • Fixed a bug where Jack in the Boxes could be seen in brush or through fog of war while not stealthed if an enemy was nearby
    • Fixed a bug where Jack in the Boxes would sometimes stop attacking targets if they both were in brush
    • Fixed a bug where Jack in the Boxes could activate but fail to fear targets moving near the edge of its range
    • Fixed a bug where turrets would always attack Jack in the Boxes first
    • Improved Jack in the Box AI
      • Boxes will hard lock onto the closest champion that has damaged Shaco recently, or that Shaco has damaged
      • Boxes will soft lock onto other non-neutral-monsters they attack (they will prefer to keep attacking that target)
      • We plan more Box AI improvements in the future!
  • General
    • Base damage increased to 57.875 from 56.875
    • Damage per level increased to 3.375 from 3.075
    • Base armor increased to 23 from 22
  • Vorpal Blade
    • Base damage increased to 70/115/140/175/210 from 50/90/130/170/210
    • Heal increased to 18/26/34/42/50 from 10/20/30/40/50 (over 3 seconds)
    • Damage ability power ratio increased to 0.75 from 0.65
    • Heal amount no longer increases with ability power
  • Feint ability power ratio increased to 0.75 from 0.6
  • Shadow Dash taunt duration increased to 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds from 0.8/1.1/1.4/1.7/2 seconds
  • Stand United
    • Ability power ratio increased to 1.5 from 1.0
    • Energy cost reduced to 0 from 50
  • Attack range increased to 125 from 100
  • Fling range increased to 125 from 100
  • General
    • Base Mana increased to 240 from 200
    • Mana per level increased to 40 from 25
    • Base Attack Speed increased to .625 from .591
    • Base Movement Speed increased to 320 from 315
    • Now gains 1.25 Magic Resist per level
  • Fixed a bug where Enrage’s Health cost was being subtracted at the wrong time, causing health drain from things like Sunfire Cape
  • Crystal Slash
    • Physical Damage increased to 25/40/55/70/85 from 20/35/50/65/80
    • Magic Damage increased to 24/36/48/60/72 from 20/32/44/56/68
  • Fracture
    • Missile Speed increased to 1800 from 1600
  • Aria of Perseverance heal amount adjusted to 40/60/80/100/120 from 25/50/75/100/125
  • Imbue
    • Cast range increased to 750 from 625
  • Shatter
    • Armor aura range increased to 1000 from 600
    • Taric now loses the passive armor bonus instead of the armor aura upon activation
    • Cooldown reduced to 10 seconds from 16 seconds
    • Damage reduced to 60/105/150/195/240 (+0.4 ability power) from 100/150/200/250/300 (+0.5 ability power)
  • Dazzle
    • Stun duration is now always 1.5 seconds from 1-2 seconds
    • Cast range reduced to 625 from 650
    • Missile speed increased to 1400 from 1050
    • Minimum damage increased to 40/70/100/130/160 (+0.4 ability power) from 20/40/60/80/100 (+0.2 ability power)
    • Maximum damage reduced to 80/140/200/260/320 (+0.8 ability power) from 80/160/240/320/400 (+1.0 ability power)
  • Radiance (Remake)
    • Taric slams the ground dealing 150/250/350 (+0.6 ability power) magic damage to nearby enemies. For the next 10 seconds, Taric gains 30/50/70 Attack Damage and Ability Power and grants nearby allies half the bonuses. 100/90/80 second cooldown.
  • Transfusion now counts as a single target ability for items such as Rylai's Crystal Scepter
  • Moonflair Spellblade, Cloak and Dagger, and Eleisa's Miracle now give 35 tenacity, up from 25
  • You can now use multiple Health or Mana Potions while you have one active which will queue them up to be used after the previous completes (maximum 5 stacks)
  • You can now Smart Cast items (you have to manually bind the hotkeys)
  • Clones now correctly show their own stats
  • Clones that are meant to deceive now have a hero minimap icon
  • Creep camp minimap icons are now more consistent; clairvoyance and wards will now properly update the map icons
  • Lux, Malphite, Maokai, Kog'Maw, Gragas and Xin Zhao's tooltips properly display numbers in their passives as they update.
  • Consumable items will not be removed from recommended item lists after being purchased
  • Removed the word “sleeps” from Cleanse’s tooltip
  • Traps (Teemo, Caitlyn, Nidalee) will now show the area they trigger in when cast
  • Fixed a bug that caused “Can’t Move While Casting” to be displayed multiple times for one instance
  • Fixed a bug where Akali and Wu-Kong could get stuck in their dash animations
  • Fixed a bug where Guardian Angel's particle would sometimes persist
  • Fixed a bug where you could Smite Baron from behind his den
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the edges of the screen to appear black when moving the camera
  • Fixed a rare bug with teleport causing it to not function properly

Patch Preview:

Want to know about some of the changes in the next update for League of Legends? Morello and I sat down and talked about what we plan on doing with Mordekaiser, Orianna, Shaco, Shen, and Taric. Come watch and find out for yourself!

New Free Champion Rotation (Week 61)

This week’s 10 free champions have been rotated.

 Here are this week's free champions:

 Week 61 (this week):

Alienware Arena Opens Battles Signups

The Alienware Arena team is kicking off a new series of events this November: the League of Legends Battlegrounds. During their fall season, 32 teams will have the chance to vie over a $1,500 prize pool, and you can join in on the action!

To sign up and learn more about the tournament, head over to Alienware Arena's League of Legends portal. Best of luck to all the teams that register for the Battlegrounds!

New Champion Approaches- Riven,the Exile


In Noxus, any citizen may rise to power regardless of race, gender, or social standing – strength is all that matters. It was with committed faith in this ideal that Riven strove to greatness. She showed early potential as a soldier, forcing herself to master the weight of a long sword when she was barely its height. She was ruthless and efficient as a warrior, but her true strength lay in her conviction. She entered battles without any trace of doubt in her mind: no ethical pause, no fear of death. Riven became a leader amongst her peers, poster child of the Noxian spirit. So exceptional was her passion that the High Command recognized her with a black stone rune sword forged and enchanted with Noxian sorcery. The weapon was heavier than a kite shield and nearly as broad – perfectly suited to her tastes. Soon after, she was deployed to Ionia as part of the Noxian invasion.

What began as war quickly became extermination. Noxian soldiers followed the terrifying Zaunite war machines across fields of death. It wasn’t the glorious combat for which Riven trained. She carried out the orders of her superiors, terminating the remnants of a beaten and fractured enemy with extreme prejudice. As the invasion continued, it became clear that the Ionian society would not be reformed, merely eliminated. During one bitter engagement, Riven’s unit became surrounded by Ionian forces. They called for support as the enemy closed in around them. What they received instead was a barrage of biochemical terror launched by Singed. Riven watched as around her Ionian and Noxian alike fell victim to an unspeakably gruesome fate. She managed to escape the bombardment, though she could not erase the memory. Counted dead by Noxus, she saw an opportunity to start anew. She shattered her sword – severing ties with the past – and wandered in self-imposed exile. Now she seeks atonement and her own way to serve the pure Noxian vision in which she believed.
“There is a place between war and murder / in which our demons lurk.”
- Excerpted from the poem, “Scarlet Shon-Xan”

  • Passive - Runic Blade: Riven's abilities charge her blade, causing her to do bonus damage on her next autoattack. Riven can store up to 3 charges, but only expends one at a time.
  • 1.Broken Wings: Riven steps forward and lashes out in a series of powerful sword slashes. This ability can be reactivated up to 3 times in a short period.
    • 1st Use/2nd Use: Deals damage to a small area in front of her.
    • 3rd Use: Jumps into the air and slams downward, causing a larger impact nova that deals damage and knocks nearby enemies back.
  • 2.Ki Shout: Riven damages and stuns nearby enemies.
  • 3.Valor: Riven dashes forward and gains a shield for a short duration.
  • 4.Blade of the Exile (Ultimate): Riven's sword reforms, giving her a percentage multiplier on her total attack damage, extended range on her damaging abilities and basic attacks and the ability to use Wind Slash once.
    • Wind Slash: While Blade of the Exile is active, Riven can reactivate the ability to emit a large shockwave that deals damage to all units hit based on their missing life.

Reverse Annie Now Available!


You’ll be happy to hear that the adorable and sinister Annie, the Dark Child, has been dabbling in a new disguise! If you’re on the lookout for young Annie, you might find her and her bear Tibbers masquerading as one another in the Reverse Annie skin! Don’t fall victim to this classic misdirection!

While we’re on the topic of clever disguises, we’re also reducing the price of Red Riding Annie from 975 RP to 520 RP!